Managing Office 365 Groups

Written by Jessie Barr




To manage Office 365 groups you will need to be a delegated owner, these permissions are set by your administrator. Raise a ticket here to request owner permissions.


If you are an owner of an Office 365 group, and would like to manage it, follow the steps below 🙂


View members within a group:


  1. Access the Outlook app – this is usually downloaded to your desktop
  2. Navigate to “Groups” which will be found in the left hand pane
  3. Select the group you wish to manage
  4. In the ribbon at the top of the Outlook window, select “Group Settings” – this is demonstrated below
  5. To see an overview of the group select “Edit group”
  6. This will then display all information relating to the selected group, including a list of the members – this is shown below


Add members to a group:


  1. Follow the above until step 4.
  2. As the drop down box appears, select “Add members”
  3. A box will then be displayed on your screen, this gives you the ability to search and add members. This is shown below.
  4. Select the user account that you wish to add. This user will then become a member of the selected group.

Remove members from a group:


  1. Follow the steps from “View members within a group”
  2. Once the information box is displayed, hover over the user you wish to remove
  3. A red cross will be displayed whilst you hover over the user, select this to remove them – demonstrated below
  4. Once the red cross is selected, the user will no longer be a member of this group.

Having trouble? Raise a ticket here.

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