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Tech Pulse

Logging Into OneDrive

If OneDrive is active, the blue icon will be displayed in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. This is displayed below. If is not active, you will not see the icon. Let's get signed in... 1. Search for "OneDrive" in windows 2. Select "Open" 3. If you have...

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The country life – but poor broadband!

The country life – but poor broadband!

The Challenge One of our clients owns an office building in a very rural area.  The building is let out to various small companies as business offices – but the tenant turnover has been high.  Quite apart from the inconvenience, it cost agency fees every time a new...

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Cyber spies in training

The government is launching a new initiative in schools.  They’re taking the smartest kids and upskilling them to take on criminals and foreign powers attacking UK computer systems. Cyber security is a fast growing industry and it’s changing daily as technology...

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Man up and press that button!

We all like to protect our comfort zone and that means that when something familiar changes there’s a level of resistance, no matter how beneficial we’re told the new change will be. Good examples are the new look LinkedIn, changes in Facebook over the years. ...

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NotSpots – are you in one?

Everybody has a mobile phone today don’t they?  Most people do and certainly if you’re in business you can’t survive without one. Today’s mobile phones are immensely powerful computers – they run on the mobile signal or wifi, they can take really good photographs,...

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Get the website you really want

When you decide to have a new website – or to give your current site a serious overhaul it’s easy to overlook the complexity of what this means.  This is why asking a web designer to deliver a finished site in two or three weeks is a huge ask. There a number of...

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Google Earth launches their virtual reality

Most of us use Google Earth for all kinds of reasons from checking out a business location we are aiming to visit to researching areas for relocation.  So what will their latest product offer? In collaboration with HTC they’ve got a Hive headset that allows you to...

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