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Tech Pulse

Set Default Print Properties

Setting default print colour: 1. Navigate to the Windows start icon, generally located at the bottom left corner of your desktop, and search for "Printer's and Scanners"  2. A list of installed printers will appear, select the name of the printer you wish to work...

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Zombies are about

It may be appropriate that a zombie network was created at Hallow’een time, but a host of well-known websites like Gov, Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, SoundCloud and PayPal didn’t see it as a Hallow’een prank!  On 21st October, some hackers gained  access to a vast number...

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Are you sleeping well?

The stats say that, on average, it takes 7 minutes to fall asleep, but people who have electronic gadgets in the bedroom often find it takes much longer. If you’ve got a tablet or smartphone in the bedroom and you’re checking emails, playing games or watching films...

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How to get the best from your IT support team

When you sign up to an IT support service it is usually perceived as the number to call when things go wrong, but it should be much more than that.  A good IT support company will help you to achieve your business goals. The problem is that most companies never think...

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Clever nerds or crafty thieves?

A bunch of nerds came up with some coding that developed into the Kodi box (formerly the Xbox Media Center)– which is a media centre box that the viewing public took to quickly. The box comes pre-loaded with films and boxed sets and lets the purchaser watch live TV,...

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How fast?

The advent of 5G is already planned for 2020 for the commercial market, but earlier for the technology world.  This means really high speed connection. It’s not just a step up from 4G – they’re talking 340 times faster than 4G, 25GB per second. Even more people will...

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