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Tech Pulse
Set Default Print Properties
Setting default print colour: 1. Navigate to the Windows start icon, generally located at the bottom left corner of your desktop, and search for "Printer's and Scanners" 2. A list of installed printers will appear, select the name of the printer you wish to work...
Evolving Technology
Every day something new appears in the technology news and you can guarantee that there will be a section of the community that will shake their heads and insist it’s a bad thing! But mobile technology has changed our lives. People don’t like change – driverless cars...
Better safe than sorry
Your Mum probably said this about all kinds of things when you were a kid, but it’s not a bad rule to live by. Now we’re all linked to the rest of the world online there’s an issue of security that affects every one of us, the minute you enter the world of the...
Transatlantic cable: ancient and modern
In 1866 the first successful telegraph cable was laid across the Atlantic from the UK to Newfoundland in North America. That means it’s now 150 years old. This wasn’t the first attempt at laying a cable across the Atlantic, the first three attempts were abandoned as...
QuickTime causes GoSlow!
Nearly every day at the moment we get clients whose computers are not behaving themselves and, when we check out the problem, it’s often solved by simply removing an application called QuickTime. Originally QuickTime was developed by Apple as a video streaming...
Eventful connections
If you’re holding an event that usually involves lots of people – and, although most people are used to using their phone signal to get online, it may depend on how good the signal is in the area where your event is taking place - it can mean little or no off-site...
What is Superfast broadband?
There’s a lot of discussion about Superfast broadband, but what does that really mean? There are two speeds to think about – upload speed and download speed. Upload speed is normally only about 20% of the download speed, but unsurprisingly, broadband suppliers...