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Tech Pulse

Changing Microsoft Password

Here's how you do it... 1. Visit office.com in your default browser 2. Click "Sign in" 3. Log in using your Microsoft credentials when prompted 4. You will be asked whether or not you wish to "Stay signed in", please always select "No" when on a public device 5. Once...

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Don’t just tick the box

When you’re working online you often get asked to confirm that you’ve read the terms and conditions before you can proceed.  How many of us just tick the box without reading the T&Cs at all? Let’s be honest, faced with a closely typed screen of small print most of...

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Bugs and other creepy-crawlies

There seem to have been a few very high-profile bugs that have been infesting the internet lately. First it was Heartbleed where the public sites, like social media and online stores, suffered from security certificates being hacked.  Quick action on the part of the...

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Money Games

A new phenomenon is raising its head – YOBSN – Your Own Branded Social Network.  If you haven’t discovered this yet it’s an online business that offers you an opportunity to make money on the very popular online games. Facebook has jumped onto the public demand for...

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Get your images working for you

Images bring website pages to life, but are yours working hard for you in the race to the top of the search engines? There are a number of places to source images: Your own pictures taken with a camera or smart phone. Images you’ve bought from one of the stock photo...

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Back buttons should be banned!

OK – maybe not banned altogether, but something that you can opt into on your website – or not.  Unfortunately, they are a browser feature, not directly attached to your website, but when we’re working on sites that feature a shopping cart, they can be a nightmare!...

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