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Tech Pulse

Come on slow coach!

Do you sometimes find your computer has slowed to a crawl – usually when you’re in the biggest hurry to get things done?  It’s not unusual and can be for a whole host of reasons. If you’re running Windows the operating system gets updated regularly and eventually...

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Big brother is watching you!

It’s a bit of a joke, especially since the TV show reversed the roles and we were all watching a few people sitting around doing not very much.  However, Vodafone has discovered evidence that points to some governments using the communication networks to track...

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App of the month

If you’ve ever forgotten a password, you’ll love this!  OnePassword is a handy app that creates and stores your passwords for all the different places you need a ‘let me in’ code. Best of all it’s available for Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad AND Android devices.  OK, it’s...

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Don’t be held to ransom

There has been quite a lot of press about the Gameover Zeus virus and most of the antivirus providers have been working overtime to find a means of blocking it. At the beginning of June the FBI, Europol and the UK’s National Crime Agency warned users that, although...

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Night, night computer

When you’ve rushed out and forgotten to send your computer to sleep there are a couple of clever ways to do this remotely – one for Macs and one for PCs using Windows. The Mac sleeping ‘pill’ You’ll need three simple tools – an app called Drafts, a Dropbox account and...

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How to keep your website up-to-date

A website that never changes is less and less likely to be ranked by the search engines.  When the spiders visit they look for fresh material and if nothing has changed the time before their next visit lengthens.  This is one reason why it makes sense to have your...

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