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Tech Pulse
How Leased Lines Can Transform Your Business Connectivity
Reliable internet is the backbone of modern business operations. As more companies shift to cloud-based applications and remote collaboration, many are finding that traditional broadband can no longer keep up with their needs. Leased lines offer a solution, providing...
HTML for dummies!
If you’ve got a website that uses HTML (like Wordpress) it can be useful to understand the basic programming commands so you don’t need to call in your web support people if you accidentally delete something and your layout goes wonky (a technical term!) Step one is...
Do you need a login on your website?
There are many reasons that you may be asked to log in on a website, most of them are valid, but sometimes there seems to be no good reason. Here are a few of the valid reasons for having a log in on your website: Tracking: When you offer customers the opportunity to...
What does your email address say about you?
It’s astonishing how many businesses are still operating with an email address that shouts ‘amateur’! I’m talking about those emails that end in aol.com, gmail.com, btinternet.com, hotmail.com, outlook.com (the hotmail replacement), live.co.uk or one of the other...
Are you getting what you’re paying for?
When you sign up to a broadband deal you’ll find suppliers will be trying to entice you with promises of ‘super-fast’ download speeds, but how accurate are these numbers they’re spouting? Firstly, take notice of the words immediately before the numbers – are they...
My heart bleeds for you
Everyone is crying about the Heartbleed bug that has caused security problems for sites that use a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to keep log in and credit card details secure. It’s not a virus or even a direct result of hacking, but simply a hole in the code that leaves...
Microsoft has made XP an ex-Operating System. As of 8th April they won’t be fixing any problems so your operating system is wide open. What does that mean to you? If you’re still using XP you won’t get any more updates to fix security issues. That means that if...