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Tech Pulse

Why is my broadband connection so slow?

If your internet connection seems to have slowed down to a crawl, don't immediately blame your Internet Service Provider (ISP). There are lots of reasons for your connection slowing down and you need to explore all the possibilities before berating your ISP! The...

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So What is an IT Company Doing Talking About Marketing

Every business needs to market itself. Business networking isn’t just about trying to persuade the people in the room to buy your products or services; in fact, that usually isn’t a very successful strategy. We’ve found that as people have got to know us and formed...

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Does Business Networking Help Your Business

If you're in business - especially when everyone is talking about economic triple dip recessions - you need to be proactive about keeping your business on track for growth.  It's not impossible; when things are tight the businesses that invest in marketing are the...

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Networking isn’t just for computers!

You would think that as an IT geek when I say ‘networking’ I’m talking about connecting computers up.  However, I’m not that much of a geek and I speak proper business language so ‘networking’ means a method of helping my business to grow. For decades people have...

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Could your business make more money?

Most business owners have a wealth of knowledge and often find themselves repeating the same message again and again to different clients.  Time costs money, but if you are always selling your time, you’ll never get rich! If you could deliver your expertise to a much...

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Internet connection speeds explained

When the techies start talking about broadband speed, it’s a bit like alphabet soup and, even if you recognise the acronyms, what does that mean to you? The most common types of broadband are ADSL, FTTC, FTTP and EFM – but what are they? ADSL – Asymmetric Digital...

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