Shop safely for Christmas

With the shops gearing up for Christmas it can be tempting to avoid the crush and craziness and sit in front of the biggest shopping centre in the world – the internet. With a bit of planning, it can be very satisfying to sit in a nice warm room ticking items off your...

Copywriting – do I need help?

When you’re getting your website designed, you will be asked for ‘content’.  Very few web designers write copy – most expect you to provide it for them and won’t be able to complete your website until you’ve done that. If you’re lucky and work with a web designer that...

Technical confusion

After the last post about the misuse of the word ‘hacker’ a whole raft of other misused words raised its head!  Just to clarify a few technology terminology misapprehensions – or techie words that don’t mean what you thought! Screensaver – this is not the ‘wallpaper’...

Hackers and Crackers

Most people refer to individuals who gain unauthorised access to websites, email accounts, bank accounts and online profiles as ‘hackers’.  That’s not accurate and, if you’re talking to someone who deals with technology, you may find serious miscommunication going on!...

The cost of open source software

Although the giants of software, like Microsoft, have a stranglehold on our desktops, most people have heard of open source software.  These are applications that have been developed and are free to use.  You may have heard of Linux and Open Office (the alternative to...

Climbing the search engine rankings

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a bit of a black art. The major search engines change their algorithms weekly, sometimes daily, so it’s hard to keep up. Here are a few basics to ensure you get your website as far up the ranking as possible without investing the...