Tech Insights & Updates Hub
Have you been breaking the law?
If you’ve ever bought a CD and then transferred it to iTunes so you can listen to it on your MP3 player or SmartPhone, the answer is ‘yes’. It may seem ridiculous that...
A new way to communicate
Now we’re all using mobile devices as extensions of our thought processes, it’s hard to imagine the days when only big businesses had computers. The jump from business...
Watch your data consumption …
When you’re watching TV on your laptop or tablet you may not be making much of a dent in your monthly data allowance right now – but things are about to change. With...
The internet has eaten my email
How often have you sent an email and got no response and then, following up, find that the person you sent it to hasn’t received it? Most of the time you get some kind...
Stay in control of your website
When you talk to a new web company about revamping your current website or creating a new one, don’t forget to talk about the content management system. Content...
Enriching your website
The search engines love content – that means that website owners who want to keep their site well up the rankings need to keep ‘feeding’ the hungry search engines. If...
Connecting by email
Most of us take email for granted – until we don’t get a reply to something we’ve sent and call up to discover that it has not been received. Often this is because...
If you are in the manufacturing industry there has to be a process for producing the product you’re making. You can’t carry out random actions and expect a product...
Making the most of your applications
Some of the calls we get asking for support are more about understanding how to get an application to carry out a specific activity than about things that fail to work....
Christmas fun
Do not click any of these links if you have a deadline to meet! Warning: highly addictive. Smack the penguin Christmas bubbles Bouncing reindeer Enjoy!! ...
Managing expectations
When you use technology everything goes swimmingly as long as it all works, but, even the most robust systems go down occasionally. Your IT support will do their best...
False economies
IT support costs money – we all have to earn a living! If you’ve got an internal IT support person or team then you pay their costs. If you’re a smaller organisation...
Is your baby causing you a security risk?
Today’s homes are full of technology. We have computers, wireless connections, smart meters for our utilities, smart boxes for the TV, games consoles, broadband direct...
Can you work from home?
The winter is coming and for some people bad weather can prevent them from making it in to the office – does that mean that no work gets done? Whether it’s flooded...
Routed out
One of my clients referred to a little box in her office as a ‘router’, but actually it was a Wifi access point and so a conversation about what is what ensued. These...
Out in the sticks
Living in rural England may be idyllic – until you want to connect with the rest of the world and then you could find there are problems. There are still many places...
Bits and Bytes
There’s often confusion over the difference between a bit and a byte in computer-speak so here’s the explanation. Bits are usually part of the calculation relating to...
Clever broadband
If your business is completely dependent on your broadband connection what happens when it fails? People sit idle at their desks, clients get upset and business...