Out in the sticks

Living in rural England may be idyllic – until you want to connect with the rest of the world and then you could find there are problems.  There are still many places in the UK that either have no broadband at all or a really slow service.  Where many of us think...

Bits and Bytes

There’s often confusion over the difference between a bit and a byte in computer-speak so here’s the explanation. Bits are usually part of the calculation relating to the speed of uploading or downloading information so you hear about ‘X bits per second’.  Now that...

Clever broadband

If your business is completely dependent on your broadband connection what happens when it fails?  People sit idle at their desks, clients get upset and business suffers. ‘Ah,’ I hear you say ‘but how often does that happen?’  Fortunately, not often, but it only needs...

Understanding your broadband

With the big broadband suppliers beating their chests and talking about Fibre and Cable it can be confusing to the non-techie (and that’s most people).  The TV ads may have clever graphics showing the information highway racing to your computer and promising lots of...

Filth Filters

The latest silliness is the British Library’s internet filters denying access to the online version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet – because the content was too violent!  Whilst the Government are anxious to protect people from ‘naughty’ content and gratuitous violence...

What do those IT people do?

If you’ve got an IT support service that you pay a monthly fee for – and you never call them out you may wonder what you’re paying for.  Just to set your mind at rest a good IT support team will carry out proactive maintenance to ensure that you don’t have to call...

How do you know your back-up is working?

Having a robust back-up system in place is good business sense, but how often do you check it’s working? It’s no good having a back-up system if you don’t test it regularly.  There are a number of reasons you may need your back up: You’ve...

Planning ahead

When you’re running a company you are hoping for it to grow and prosper.  However, when you’re buying or leasing equipment and services it’s likely that you’ll only be looking at now and perhaps a few months ahead as far as needs are concerned....

The domino effect

The business IT set up is critical and when everything is networked it’s important that careful planning takes place before changes are made. If you have an internal IT manager they will usually be involved in any changes that are being planned, but organisations with...