Are you protected from phone hacking?

OK – maybe you’re not famous and don’t think you’re a target for hackers, but neither did the widows of soldiers who have been killed in Afghanistan or the parents of Milly Dowler and other missing children. You never know when you might come...

Virtual business – real location

These days more and more people work virtually using high speed internet connections and sophisticated telecommunications to allow them to operate from virtually anywhere, from a back bedroom to a yacht on the Mediterranean! As long as the job gets done on time and to...

When to dial – and when not to!

There are so many different telephone numbers, besides the ones that start 01 and 02, there are 03, 08 and 09 numbers; it can all be very confusing.  Here’s a rundown of the most common variables! 01 and 02 numbers are related to geographical areas so your location...

What's phishing?

People talk about phishing, but what is it really?  What is a phisher trying to do? Phishing is when someone is posing as a legitimate organisation in order to get log in details, so they can use them for their own advantage.  This allows them access to spam your...

Computer maintenance for everyone

If you’ve got a car it will need servicing by a professional mechanic from time to time, but you can keep it running by checking the oil, the water and the tyres.  You can do the same for your computer to keep it in good running order. These are some tips to...

Smooth operator – making your computer work for you

Mousing around your computer screen can be a pain – and anyone who uses a keyboard regularly may already be suffering from repetitive stress injury (RSI) or carpal tunnel syndrome.  Cutting down mouse usage is easy if you know how to use your keyboard effectively...

Are you a technophobe?

People who use technology don’t necessarily need to understand how it works – as long as it keeps working, it doesn’t matter.  However, as most people rely on their phones and computers these days, when things go wrong there’s a strong tendency for people to panic. ...