Keeping your computer organised

Where are all your documents?  Are they scattered across the desktop, all in My Documents or in folders with appropriate names on?  What happens when you need to find a document that you created some time ago, when looking in Recent Documents isn’t useful – how long...

Basic DIY for poorly computers

Most people know that if their computer starts to misbehave then the first thing to do is to reboot it.  If it won’t turn off, then do a hard close, give it a few seconds and then start it up again. Three things can happen as a result: It fires up and everything is...

New staff – new equipment

If you’re growing your team you’ll also need to grow your IT system to accommodate new staff.  They’ll need a computer, workstation, or laptop, appropriate work space, a phone (and maybe a mobile), an email address and access to the internet. It can be tempting to...

The technical side of starting a company

When you’re starting a new company there’s so much to think about – the business structure, the product or service development, finding potential customers and financing the project until it’s making money. In today’s world the technology that supports your...

Are you an expert?

If you’re in business you’re probably an expert in your core business. that’s how most small businesses start – the business owner leaves their employer and sets up their own business doing something they really enjoy doing. For us that’s...