When your virus checker is the problem

Many websites offer ‘free virus protection’ downloads, many are part of an affiliate system whereby they introduce customers to specific virus protection (in the hope that they will eventually upgrade to a paid version).  Some of these are relatively harmless, but...

Dusting out the cobwebs in your computer

Most people download programs from time to time and, although a few of them are used regularly, it’s likely your programs folder has several old applications that you haven’t used for a long time. Even with today’s comparatively huge memory, if you fill it up with...

Basic DIY for poorly computers

Most people know that if their computer starts to misbehave then the first thing to do is to reboot it.  If it won’t turn off, then do a hard close, give it a few seconds and then start it up again. Three things can happen as a result: It fires up and everything is...

Danger! Virus at work

Many people think that viruses arrive via email, but today just as many viruses are hidden and ready to pounce on websites that you visit. Malicious software can be easily hidden in advertisements on even the most respected sites – even the London Stock Exchange has...

Who goes there?

In all the best children’s stories the giant demands ‘Who goes there?’ and you need the password to get by.  Today we all have dozens and dozens of places for which we need passwords.  It’s impossible to remember them all – and it’s...