by Adam | Nov 30, 2012 | Blog
Communication has moved on in leaps and bounds. Just a few years ago BlackBerry launched the option to look at email on a phone and now everyone takes it for granted. These days we’re often asked to help our clients to get their email sync’d with new mobile...
by Adam | Nov 20, 2012 | Blog
It doesn’t matter whether you have a big company or a small one, moving offices has costs – as we know having undergone an office move earlier this year. Most people think about the obvious costs like removal services, downtime as the business is ‘in transit’ and the...
by Adam | Nov 10, 2012 | Blog
Despite the fanfare and razzamatazz as Windows8 gears up for launch our first impressions are not great. Microsoft has leapt on the mobile and tablet wagon and created an operating system geared to social media and mobile devices, leaving day-to-day business users...
by Adam | Oct 30, 2012 | Blog
Most people download programs from time to time and, although a few of them are used regularly, it’s likely your programs folder has several old applications that you haven’t used for a long time. Even with today’s comparatively huge memory, if you fill it up with...
by Adam | Oct 20, 2012 | Blog
Where are all your documents? Are they scattered across the desktop, all in My Documents or in folders with appropriate names on? What happens when you need to find a document that you created some time ago, when looking in Recent Documents isn’t useful – how long...
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