Following online banking security processes

Most online banking access requires two or three pieces of information entering to get access to your account, often generated randomly by a small digital device.  Whilst many people sigh about the need for such a laborious process to get at their banking information,...

How expensive will your office move be – really?

It doesn’t matter whether you have a big company or a small one, moving offices has costs – as we know having undergone an office move earlier this year. Most people think about the obvious costs like removal services, downtime as the business is ‘in transit’ and the...

Dusting out the cobwebs in your computer

Most people download programs from time to time and, although a few of them are used regularly, it’s likely your programs folder has several old applications that you haven’t used for a long time. Even with today’s comparatively huge memory, if you fill it up with...

Why do we use contact forms?

Why do we use contact forms on websites instead of just putting an email address on the Contact us page? It’s not simply to demonstrate how clever we developers are! The primary reason is so you don’t get loads of spam with people phishing. If that sounds like...