Internet connection speeds explained

When the techies start talking about broadband speed, it’s a bit like alphabet soup and, even if you recognise the acronyms, what does that mean to you? The most common types of broadband are ADSL, FTTC, FTTP and EFM – but what are they? ADSL – Asymmetric Digital...

Email magic

Communication has moved on in leaps and bounds.  Just a few years ago BlackBerry launched the option to look at email on a phone and now everyone takes it for granted. These days we’re often asked to help our clients to get their email sync’d with new mobile...

Creative Telecoms!

Most people are familiar with fixed line telephones and mobile phones – but as soon as it gets more complicated, the eyes glaze over and, unless you’re an avid techie, the brain tunes out! However, with today’s business environment a flexible telephone system may be...

IT Basics for the confused

It’s easy for people to get confused when IT people start throwing around terms like domain name, registrant, name servers, hosting, web development (isn’t that design?) and so on.  So here’s a quick basic explanation of the terms associated with your website: Domain...

Cracking the Code

If you talk to an IT professional you’ll hear a whole host of jargon – and, whilst it’s tempting to tune it out, it’s just as well if you know roughly what they’re talking about. Here are a few terms that you’ll hear when your IT people are talking about your website....